Sober is the New Black

My name is Mindy. I started my first blog in 2013. I didn’t know what I was doing then and to be quite honest, I still don’t feel like I know what I am doing. The more I blogged, the more the words that had been trapped in my head flowed. The words began to flow more freely. As time went by, I became more comfortable with sharing my story, my life, my struggles, my insecurities, my dirty past.

As I shared more about my life and the self-discoveries I made on my path to become a better version of myself and heal, I was shocked at how many people reached out to me with similar stories, thanking me for sharing my truths.

Over the years many have suggested that I should write a book. I shrugged it off, every time it was brought up. Why? I didn’t feel qualified to write a book. I didn’t think anyone would read it. I didn’t know where to even start. I was scared & still am [terrified] about putting ALL of my life out ALL at once, for the world to judge me, for my kids to read.

I recently have taken the time to get clear and become specific about what I want for my future and what I want to accomplish in this lifetime. It became clear that I wanted to work towards becoming a motivational speaker, life coach, and author.

Once I put my vision on paper, the Universe started showing up and pointing me in the direction of my dreams.

I have been paralyzed with fear. Is it possible to have writer’s block before you even get started writing a book?

I post frequently (daily) on Social Media (IG: @Sobermommovement Facebook: Mindy Hord),  but I haven’t blogged in awhile, so I decided to get back in the swing of things. I decided to start a new blog, which will also serve as a place to connect with others who have been inspired by my journey towards sobriety and those who are looking for inspiration & support. I have given myself a 9-month deadline to get my first draft written. My book will be primarily about my journey to sobriety that began on October 25, 2015, but you will learn more about me and my life as a Korean Adoptee and my quest to become a better version of myself that prompted me to get sober.

If you are on your journey towards sobriety and looking for support or are looking for help in getting sober, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email or social media.

Party Girl Mindy Hord.jpg

11 thoughts on “Sober is the New Black

  1. I look forward to hearing your story, Mindy. For some reason, it’s easy to get paralyzed with fear about this whole sobriety thing. I am still that way sometimes, but I think opening up is a gradual process, like getting into a pool slowly instead of diving right in. 💕


  2. Congrats on your sobriety, I’m glad your back blogging. Writing for me get all those racing thoughts out of my head. A lot of times I just write and never look at it again. I am too, writing my journey . I do have a first rough draft, but have stalled the past few years. Let’s motivate and support each other, and get out journey published to help others!!!!

    By the way, my name iS Jaime, pronounced “Hymeh”. And it’s very nice to meet you!!

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